Stretched Against Stritch

Stretched Against Stritch


WATERTOWN, Wis. -- The Sabercats played their best defense of the season in tonight's opener but ultimately lost their final two games of the season tonight to Cardinal Stritch University.

Tomorrow's doubleheader at Judson has been cancelled due to inclement weather and unplayable field conditions, so the Sabercats conclude their season with a 0-22 record.


  • Results: Maranatha 0-4 Cardinal Stritch
  • Results: Maranatha 0-25 Cardinal Stritch (5 Innings)
  • Venue: Brandt-Quirk Park
  • Location: Watertown, Wis.
  • Records: MBU (0-22), CSU (28-11)


The Sabercats' defense in the opener was without question the best it's been all season. Laura Brown made a highlight-worthy sliding catch in center field, and Beka D'Oyley and Sara Herrera covered ground in right and left field to make key catches at just the right time to keep Stritch frustrated.

Bethany Searle stepped into the circle on a mission, as she allowed a season-low six hits on the day to hold the Wolves to a low standard. 

On the offensive side, the Sabercats couldn't get much going, as Hope Maes limited the Sabercats to just two hits - a single from Grace Massey and a single from Dani Chaney

Game two was all about Stritch, though, as the Sabercats' defensive momentum came to a stand-still. Stritch crossed the plate 13 times in the first two innings before completing a 25-run scoring spree to sweep the series on the night and on the season.


Maranatha Lineup Game 1 - Bullock (2B), Massey (3B), Chaney (SS), Brown (CF), Lawver (1B), Bailey (C), Secor (DP), D'Oyley, Searle (P), Herrera (LF)

Maranatha Lineup Game 2 - Bullock (2B), Massey (3B), Chaney (C), Brown (SS), Lawver (1B), Bailey (P), Herrera (LF), Secor (DP), Searle (P), D'Oyley (RF)



"We played our best defense of the season in game one," said Coach Rob Thompson. "Both outfield and infield took care of the ball! Laura Brown made a diving, inning saving catch, Dani Chaney anchored the infield core, and Bethany Searle kept us in the game in the circle. The second game saw defensive challenges, and after giving up an eight-run inning in the first, we struggled to make normally routine plays. The team continued to battle, but it just wasn't to be in the end. And, just like that, the season is over…as games for [tomorrow] have been canceled due to thunderstorms.

"I count it an absolute privilege to coach these young women…we have struggled in games, sometimes at our own doing, but they never gave up, and never gave in. Our goal for the season was to handle any given situation and game in a way that would honor our Savior, Jesus Christ. Praise Him!"

  • Cardinal Stritch competes in the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference (NAIA)
  • Cardinal Stritch has now finished up their regular season and will head into the CCAC tournament on Thursday


The Sabercats conclude their season tonight. A full recap of the season will be coming at