Katie Jean Lingle
Katie Jean Lingle
  • Height:
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Watertown, Wis.
  • High School:
  • Major:
    Biblical Counseling/Business Management
  • Minor:
  • PR:
    21:45 - 2021 NCCAA Nationals


2021 Results (5K)

  • 21:45 - NCCAA Nationals (22nd)
  • 22:54 - NCCAA North Region Championships (9th)
  • 28:19 - Wisconsin Private College Championships (53rd)
  • 30:45 - Brissman-Lundeen Invitational (140th)
  • 28:26 - Tom Hoffman Invitational (104th)
  • 18:31 (4K) - Vic Godfrey Open (60th)

2020 Results (5K)

  • 22:23 - NCCAA Nationals (12th)
  • 22:26 - Mustang Jamboree (56th)
  • 22:41 - Jayhawk Invitational (61st)
  • 25:01 - Bethel Invitational (95th)
  • 25:51 - Midwest Intercollegiate (59th)

2019 Results

  • 23:01 (5K) - NCCAA Nationals (26th)
  • 27:57 (6K) - Oshkosh Open (15th)
  • 28:04 (6K) - Wisconsin Private College Championships (37th)
  • 23:05 (5K) - Bethel Invitational (109th)
  • 28:45 (6K) - Warrior Invitational (46th)
  • 29:41 (6K) - Tom Hoffman Invitational (24th)

2018 Results

  • 24:14 (5K) - NCCAA Nationals (33rd)
  • 29:02 (6K) - Wisconsin Private College Championships (53rd)
  • 23:59 (5K) - Bethel Invitational (165th)
  • 29:12 (6K) - Warrior Invitational (47th)
  • 32:55 (6K) - Ken Weidt Classic (40th)


What emoji represents you?


Career plans/dreams/ideas?

"Lord willing, I would like to pursue a Masters in Bible or biblical Counseling so that I can serve God where He sees fit. After that, I would like to get my USTFCCCA certification so that I can also coach on the side."

If you were a state, which state would you be and why?

"With some help, I believe I would be the state of Washington. This state is a nice balance of the fine arts, adventure, and people that like to take care of their health. Washington is a state I can relate with!"

Favorite breakfast food?

"Pumpkin muffins all the way, baby!"

Do you have any pregame or gameday rituals?

"On a daily basis, I wear multiple wrist bands. However, before practice and racing when I walk into the locker room, I take them off. When those bracelets are off, it means that it is 'go time!!'"

Complete this sentence: "Good leaders ________?"

"...listen, think, and then act in love."

What attracts you to MBU?

"Dr. Meyer and Dr. Love! While those two people are my favorite, I truly appreciate how every staff or faculty member is constantly willing to invest in me as an individual and pushing me closer to the Lord!"

NON-FRESHMAN: What's a great MBU memory on the field/court?

"Last year at the 'Michigan race,' I came around the last big turn before the home stretch and heard another coach yell to his runner the time of the race and that the finish line was only thirty seconds away. My PR was within reach!!! I groped together all the energy and speed I had left and got my tail across that finish line. Previously, I concluded that I was having a rough season and that I may never see a new PR. However, before the race with the help of my coach, I determined to just get out there and run my best and see what would happen!"

NON-FRESHMAN: What's a great MBU memory off the field/court?

"I believe getting to spend the weekend as a team in Michigan at Fort Faith was one of the best things the team has done! the fellowship was so sweet and the Gilliam's hospitality was amazing!"

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