Felipe Diaz
Felipe Diaz
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Eagle Pass, Texas
  • High School:
    C. C. Winn
  • Major:
  • PR:
    34:20 - 2021 NCCAA Nationals


2022 Results (8k)

  • 34:24 - NCCAA National Championship (65th)
  • 35:21 - NCCAA North Region Championships (16th)
  • 34:46 - Wisconsin Private College Championship (71st)
  • 35:16 - Eau Claire Bluggold Invite (169th)
  • 36:29 - Tom Hoffman Invitational (32nd)
  • 26:51 (6K) - Elmhurst Earlybird Invitational (106th)

2021 Results (8K)

  • 34:20 - NCCAA Nationals (31st)
  • 37:13 - NCCAA North Region Championships (16th)
  • 38:03 - Wisconsin Private College Championships


What emoji would you choose to represent yourself on Twitter?

"The Tamale emoji"

Career plans/dreams/ideas?

"I want to be a missionary to Spain or whatever ministry God wants me to be. To reach the Spanish community to Christ."

Who is somebody you admire, and why?

"Somebody I admire is my dad. My dad is the kind of man that is never to give up. Showing me that he loves God and always encouraging me to get closer to God each day."

If you were an animal what would you be, and why?

"I would be a golden retriever. The dog family is known more for their endurance instead of their speed and the golden retriever is no exception. I prefer longer runs rather than speed runs. And also, I'm friendly and someone that likes to have fun and play games."

Do you have any pre-game or game-day traditions or rituals?

"Haha no, I don't. Probably get nervous."

Complete this sentence: "Good leaders ________?"

"... are the people who are willing to spend time and effort with love, with the people they are leading."

What attracts you to MBU (What do you like about MBU?)

"What I like about MBU is the friendships and relationships from either friends, professors, or board people. Everyone is so inviting and wants to be friends with you. Though MBU is small, friendship is one of the biggest points here at Maranatha."

NON-FRESHMEN: What's a great MBU memory on the field/court?

"My favorite memory from the court is running Nationals in 2021. This race has meant so much to me and been able to run has been such a blessing. One of the things that I can talk about is the strategies that I used in this race to beat others and get the PR that I got. The art of running has both strategy and will power. You may have strategy, but do you have the will power to go ahead and do the strategy? For me it was a turn in the course and an uphill. In the turn, both my teammate and me were running in the middle of the course rather than getting close to the turn and cutting it off. He was running on my left side and the turn was going left. So we’re both running and I noticed that there is a runner getting closer trying to cut the corner that we were not taking. I decided to slow down, go behind my teammate, and catch up on his left side cutting the runner from getting the turn. The other part is going an uphill. I remember going up this uphill and the wind started to blow down slowing me and the other runners. Running uphill is not the best because it takes up more energy and it hurts more. So I passed some runners going the uphill by will power and increasing the intensity and keeping the intensity up. The picture you can see both intensity and pain in my face haha."

NON-FRESHMEN: What's a great MBU memory off the field/court?

"Man, there are so many! In all honesty, I love the team. One of my favorite memories is just watching Mcfarlan USA the night before Nationals. Spending time with the team getting encouraged to run the big race for tomorrow. This team loves to be together, and I love to be with them."

News Mentions

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